My Message to Two-Tiered-Stasi-Keir Starmer


Keir Starmer

Subject: The bravery of your government and nation’s police in combating far-right extremism and disinformation and my insights for you on instruments of disinformation globally.

Friday August 23rd, 2024


Dear Prime Minister

How are you? My name is Vince Barwinski and I’m a part-time author/researcher, based in Brisbane Australia.

As one who has deeply researched disinformation that plagues our modern Western society today, in concert with poignant historical parallels, as discussed for example in Chapter 29 of my book, I have nothing but the deepest admiration for you, your government and the valour of your brave cyber-warrior police nationally, as they root out far-right extremists on social media – not just within your nation, but in the true globalist-cabal spirit of Davos, from without as well.

After reading the first three surahs of the Quran, it has been made abundantly clear to me, what a religion of peace Islam is. To which, the sight of your police on the ground befriending Muslims, fills me with such inexorable and overflowing joy, as it epitomises their religion of peace, the very antithesis to the ideology of the far-right extremist thugs – the latter of whom being a dire and existential threat to the democracy of the New World Order you so proudly represented at Davos in January 2023. [Why wasn’t Rishi there instead???]

In Chapter 29 of my book, from pages 6 to 7, I discuss how in 2020-21, the American Democracy was under threat, but ultimately saved with the crushing on January 6th, 2021 of the insurrection by likewise far-right MAGA extremists, loyal to the Constitutional Republic of the American Founding Fathers, facilitated in no small part, by the vigilant interrogation and sanitisation of social media by all levels of police, government and media, as you yourself, have likewise invoked with I must say, even greater but still commensurate and most exemplary fervour. Moreover, my mention of the late February 1933 Berlin Reichstag Fire from page 5, and my visit to the Auschwitz Concentration Camp Museum in late June 2005 from the top of page 16, I am certain, you will find more than eminently poignant.

In August last year, our Federal Australian Government proposed feedback on their Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023. As the scourge of disinformation is so close to my heart, I ended up submitting a 54 page essay with 312 source endnotes dealing in depth with disinformation; the inexorably pernicious and existential threat to the Democracy of your envisioned New World Utopian Order of man. As is, the continued existence of the Jewish state Israel, as I elucidated in a 51 page paper with 380 source endnotes that I completed in March this year, which was subsequently featured in a discussion piece on the The Exposé.

In closing, I would love to hear your thoughts and leave you with all the Blessings of the best deceiver as described in the Third Surah, verse 54 of the Quran.

Yours faithfully

Vince Barwinski

PS: Would you like a signed copy of my book?

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To: All Corrupt Australian GIFN — Globalist Institutionalised Fake News. Their inexorable ecstasy over the dubious and politically motivated “conviction” of Donald Trump by the corrupt and George Soros funded Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

To: All Corrupt Australian GIFN — Globalist Institutionalised Fake News.

Their inexorable ecstasy over the dubious and politically motivatedconviction” of Donald Trump by the corrupt and George Soros funded Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.,,, SBS Australia <>,,,


Friday 31st May 2024

Dear Mega-corrupt Aussie Mainstream Media

I am writing to all you obsequious sycophants of the monumentally corrupt Australian GIFN — Globalist Institutionalised Fake News, who are going into a state of inexorable ecstasy over the dubious and politically motivatedconviction” of Donald Trump by the corrupt and George Soros funded Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. An individual more concerned with dubious indictments of a former president than dealing with the soaring crime rate that defines the Big Apple of today.

After the proven Russia-gate hoax of 2017, among a never-ending series of legal witch hunts, which your ilk have shoved down our throats for four years, in the process making you lot look credibly bankrupt and as stupid as the Coyote from the Road Runner show, with your unlimited resources to promulgate ubiquitous lies, you have finally hit paydirt!! WOWWW!!!

Fair Dinkum, if a corrupt prosecutor like Alvin Bragg tries hard enough, for long enough with a captured corrupt and obsequious media such as yourselves behind him, he could make a case for a dog being a cat …. or even for a man being a woman! Or a man becoming pregnant! Or a hawk being trapped in a human body!

Being devoid of any sense of history, you would be ignorant of the 1930s Soviet Union under the leadership of the mass-murdering Marxist narcissist Josef Stalin. Fear not however, I will enlighten you by drawing you attention to the screenshot below with the relevant commentary not just pertaining to Stalin’s 1930s Soviet Union, but how it relates to yourselves, of whom Vladimir Lenin with inexorable poignancy, would have dubbed “Useful Idiots”.

The screenshot displays eighteen members of the Bolshevik Party who seized power in the wake of the Russian October 1917 Revolution. By the end of 1938 — the year of Stalin’s Great Purge — there were only three survivors! Here is where you sycophantic LUIs — Lenin’s Useful Idiots, need to take note!

Six of these Bolsheviks had been shot, one died in prison, and one, namely Leon Trotsky, was assassinated on 20th August 1940, when he was killed in his study in Mexico City by Spanish-born NKVD agent Ramón Mercader, who rammed an iceaxe into Trotsky’s Bolshevik brain, in dutiful servitude to his master — the aforementioned mass-murdering Marxist narcissist Josef Stalin.

Moreover, Adolf Joffe, a supporter of Trotsky, committed suicide on November 16th, 1927.

Joffe remained a friend and loyal supporter of Leon Trotsky through the 1920s, joining him in the Left Opposition. By late 1927, he was gravely ill, in extreme pain and confined to his bed. After a refusal by the Stalinist leadership of the Communist Party to send him abroad for treatment and Trotsky’s expulsion from the Communist Party on 12th November 1927, he committed suicide on 16th November. He left a farewell letter addressed to Trotsky, but the letter was seized by Soviet secret police agents and later quoted by Stalinists to discredit both Joffe and Trotsky. Trotsky’s eulogy at Joffe’s funeral was his last public speech in the Soviet Union.

Joffe’s wife Maria Joffe was arrested as a left-oppositionist Trotskyist by Stalin’s security forces, yet she survived to write her memoirs One Long Night – A Tale of Truth. Joffe’s daughter, Nadezhda Joffe, also an active Trotskyist, survived Stalin’s prisons and labour camps and published a memoir, Back in Time: My Life, My Fate, My Epoch.

To which, I know what you LUI sycophantic ilk are thinking. This will never happen to us, but of course, that too for example is what Nikolai Bukharin thought until he met his end in 1938.

Moreover, time and time again, we hear how the western Cultural WOKE neo-Marxists EAT their own when they discover they committed some perceived blasphemy against their religion or faith of WOKE. The following from Philadelphia in August 2022, is a classic:

As the story says, the only sane person involved in this saga is a Korean immigrant named Eunjoo, who came to America in search of a better life. One can speculate that having grown up on a peninsula divided by socialist oppression, Eunjoo understands better than most Americans the dangers of collectivist movements. Regardless of her motives, her decision to sell the building rather than entertain the WOKE workers’ ludicrous demands makes her the undisputed hero of this story.

To which in closing, I reiterate my point. That being for now, to indulge your transient exhilarating joy embodied in your irrational hatred for Donald Trump, but remember, that just like the 1917 Bolshevik revolutionaries such as Leon “iceaxe in his Bolshevik brain” Trotsky, Nikolai Bukharin and Grigory Zinoviev discovered to their abject horror, that if they ever perceive of you as a threat to their power, you are no less expendable! Today, in your inexorable joy of irrational hatred, they came for Donald Trump; tomorrow, they can well come for you.

In other words, take time to realise the unbridled malevolence you have now made yourselves beholden in obsequious and sycophantic servitude. As the German anti-Hitler Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller eloquently elucidated:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew. [Then they came for Trump] And then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.” [To which, consider the skyrocketing anti-Semitism globally post-October 7th 2023 that you seem wilfully ignorant of! Yet, why were your ilk then so concerned with it say during the 2020 American radical-leftist perpetrated Summer Riots??? Did “fighting” anti-Semitism back then suit the agenda of your Overlords??? But not now???]

To which; Is this truly the future you wish upon for your children???

Tyranny thrives amidst Cowardice and Lies that your ilk have perpetuated! However, in order to end up on the right side of history, and more importantly GOD, it is not too late for you to reject the Cowardice, Lies and Tyranny of your obsequious servitude, and subsequently embrace the Courage, Truth and Freedom that personified the Polish Boy Scout World War II Hero Marian Vagner, of whom, on several occasions, in supplying food to the Częstohowa (Chenstohowa) Jewish Ghetto, survived staring down the barrel of German guns!

I will leave you with this question. Barack Obama was the protégé of Frank Marshall Davis, himself, Communist Party USA member 47544.1 In the final days of his presidency in January 2017, Obama commuted the sentence of the mass-murdering Puerto Rican Marxist nationalist and terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera. Hence then, cannot Donald Trump, if later elected president in early November this year, pardon himself of so-called bookkeeping violations, as convicted of in the trial in question, presided over by Judge Juan Merchan; himself closely linked to the fraudulently electedcardboard-cut-out-president Creepy Sleepy Joe Biden? I would be fascinated to hear your thoughts! Or is this question too confronting for you as you flee for the darkness like all good Marxists and obsequious servile LUIs? I suspect it will be the latter – or perhaps you can prove me wrong?!

Yours faithfully

Vince Barwinski

1 Read the book The Communist by Paul Kengor available in paperback at On page 306, is a scanned copy of the summary page from Frank Marshall Davis’ six-hundred-page FBI file, documenting his Communist Party USA membership number #47544. In his memoir, Barack Obama omits the full name of his mentor, simply calling him “Frank.” Now, the truth is out: Never has a figure as deeply troubling and controversial as the Communist Frank Marshall Davis – Communist Party USA membership number 47544, had such an impact on the development of an American president. Indeed, I have had the privilege and fortune to read this meticulously researched work of Paul Kengor, and read the aforementioned scanned copy of the summary page from Frank Marshall Davis’ six-hundred-page FBI file, documenting his Communist Party USA membership number #47544.

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Story as told by his son of Polish war hero appallingly treated and dying in Hospital in Melbourne Australia during COVID dystopia.

To: Polish American Citizens Club Boston

82 Boston Street

Boston, Massachusetts 02125 USA


Phone: +1 617-436-2786

Subject: Story as told by his son of Polish war hero appallingly treated and dying in Hospital in Melbourne Australia during COVID dystopia.

Brief 90 SECOND VIDEO SUMMARY of Andrzej Vagner presenting the life story of his father Marian Czesław (Woznicki) Vagner as an example of WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO FOR FREEDOM.

Fourteen minute video of Andrzej Vagner presenting the life story of his father Marian Czesław (Woznicki) Vagner.


Andrzej Vagner LETTER ON HOSPITALS as dictated to me by Andrzej ON  July 13th 2023

In LOVING MEMORY Of Marian Vagner by his son Andrzej Vagner

Saturday 02nd September 2023

Dear Polish American Citizens Club

How are you? My name is Vince Barwinski and I’m an Australian part-time author/researcher of Polish descent, based in Brisbane but born in Sydney in 1962, who was put into contact with Andrzej Vagner from Melbourne in early July.

To which, it is on Andrzej’s behalf, that I wish to draw your attention to the story of his dear and amazing father Marian. He was a former Polish scout, who like my Polish father, his two sisters and mother, migrated to the wonderful and free country of Australia in the 1950s, leaving behind a European continent devastated upon the whim of a fascist lunatic.

Marian embodied the stunning defiance and belligerence that typified the classic Polish Spirit. He was born Marian Woznicki, in 1931 in Częstochowa and was a boy scout from before World War II, and proudly so throughout the Nazi occupation. He was involved in supplying food to Częstochowa’s Jewish Ghetto and faced the barrel of German guns – as just a child from 11 years-old!

Tragically however, one year ago in July 2022, the story of his ignominious death amidst the COVID dystopia in the Victorian state capital of Melbourne’s Alfred Hospital, under the Victorian state premiership of the Maoist Dan Andrews, in what you would have envisaged as a wonderful and free country of Australia, hardly befits the stature and defiant spirit of such a man. To which, it’s on the behalf of Marian’s dear son Andrzej Vagner, born in 1974 who has no Internet, that I am writing to you and spreading the story of his father’s ignominious and most ill-befitting death.

Firstly, there is a letter Andrzej dictated to me,i that he asked me to write to you. I quote:

What is happening is PURE EVIL. In Australia, if roughly 15% of the population had the same approach as my father MARIAN, there would have been NO lockdowns, NO curfews, NO jab mandates, NO jab injuries, NO jab deaths, NO suicides and NO business losses etc. Just a tiny bit of COURAGE would have made all the difference. Which you can then email to all people you know, Christians, non-Christians, you like and don’t like, FOR WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD AFFECTS EVERYONE.”

Then he asked me to attach the story of his father.ii As Andrzej put it:

The main reason why I am sharing my father’s story is to expose the truth and for people to use my father as an example, to gain some courage. To do whatever it takes to turn prisons like the former Alfred Hospital back into hospitals.

Together we can make a real difference, including, never allowing tyranny under the cover of lies to occur again….. I want my Dad’s story to be like a hand grenade ripping through all the [COVID manifestations of] bullshit.”

I identify with Andrzej’s story of his heroic Polish wartime father on several levels. Our shared Polish heritage being one, as well as my passion for history as embodied in my book The Pastor and the Matriarch of the German Underground and Their Times – A Polish Perspective inspired by my time in Poland teaching English from September 2004 until June 2005, and my autodidact father. I have excerpts available on my website, which include two complete chapters – of which Chapter 29 draws parallels with America of 2020-21 to a crumbling Weimar Germany, and the other on the Stalinist perpetrated Katyń Wood Massacre. Indeed, the latter has parallels with the COVID jab scam in terms of fabricating evidence to serve the narrative of a nefarious agenda.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read Andrzej’s tragic story of his father. And to reiterate, if you can spread and share this story around, Andrzej and I would greatly appreciate it. The death of his father Marian certainly did not befit one of such heroic stature and demands that it not be in vain.

All the best and God Bless

Vince Barwinski on behalf of Marian’s dear son;

Andrzej Vagner

23 Coates St

Bentleigh Victoria 3204


+61 3 9557 3225

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Summary of Submission against Australian and Orwellian Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023

Summary of Submission of Vince Barwinski against Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023

To: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.


From: Vince Barwinski



Sunday August 20th, 2023

PDF Copy

PDF Copy of Cover document (Contains poignant screenshots and photo of mine from Auschwitz Concentration Camp Museum)

PDF of HUGE Main Submission


Saturday 12th August 2023

I am writing to you today to express my inexorable disapproval of your proposed Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023. Given my lifetime study of National Socialism and Communism, as embodied in my book The Pastor and the Matriarch of the German Underground and Their Times – A Polish Perspective,i and witnessing two metric tons of human hair at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp museum in Poland in June 2005, this has no place in a truly democratic or constitutional society that defines the Constitutional Monarchy that is our great and free country of Australia.

A great and free country that my Polish born father, raised and educated in Weimar Germany and Hitler’s Reich, that is fast becoming to bear no resemblance to the wonderful and free country of opportunity that he, his mother and two sisters fled a European continent, devastated upon the whim of a fascist lunatic for in 1950.

Rather, upon reading your Exposure Draft,ii you are clearly in the process of turning my country, one of the greatest bastions of freedom ever known to our world, into an Orwellian nightmare, “resplendent” with its “Ministry of Truth” embodied in its self-proclaimed monopoly on truth. An anathema to the open market place of ideas that embodied the great civilisation of Ancient Greece, upon which is one of the fundamental bedrocks that defines our Western civilisation. In open and fair debate, good ideas ultimately prevail and float to the top, while stupid ideas and/or nefarious agendas such as your aforementioned bill, are exposed for what they really are and naturally sink to the depths of effluent.

Your Orwellian bill however, in a classic Marxist inversion of truth, artificially elevates the effluent of stupid ideas and/or nefarious agendas to “indisputable truth” as would be defined by ACMA – the Australian Communications and Media Authority – embodying the Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.”

To which begs the fundamental question embodying the very essence of this meticulously sourced submission:1

Who in the Universe are you, given your inexorable litany of lies and half-truths, especially since the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, to become our ultimate arbiters of truth?”

Furthermore to which, I pose at the bottom of the first page of my main submission, with related essential essence:

To whom are you and our so-called elected and representative federal government, truly beholden? The people of Australia or unelected bureaucratic sociopaths in Geneva Switzerland?

Of which I enlighten you with two poignant examples of my said “unelected bureaucratic sociopaths in Geneva.” They are Klaus Schwab; Executive Chair of the World Economic Forum – WEF and the mass-murdering Ethiopian communistiii Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus; Director-General of the United Nations agency – the World Health Organisation – WHO. Both, as I discuss in my submission, are intimately linked to the mass-murdering and genocidal Chinese Communist Party (CCP).iv Indeed, Klaus Schwab himself, more than once, has proclaimed:

China is a model for many nations.”v

I allude to the National Socialist (Third Reich) heritage of Klaus Schwab, to which his father Eugen was NOT averse to the use of slave I then discuss the history of Tedros, referencing his genocidal history as the Ethiopian Health minister from 2005-2012vii before he became Director-General of the World Health Organisation – WHO. To which, do we really want him to become Global Medical Dictator General? The ultimate objective of the numerous revisions proposed to the International Health Regulations.viii

Extensive discussion is invariably devoted to the Nuremberg Codeix violating Big Pharma COVID-19 jabs,x which when one references Benito Mussolini’s definition of Fascism as follows:

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”xi

are nothing less than the embodiment of Medical Fascism – as practised by the Auschwitz Angel of Death; Josef Mengele,xii of whom twin children were his favourite subjects.xiii To which by natural logical extension, implies yourselves as the Fascists rather than unjabbed people such as myself, more than aware of our immutable birth rights bestowed upon us by Almighty God himself.

Prodigious reference is also made to the nefarious Catastrophic Climate Change Agenda, referencing my meticulously researched essay in progress; THE CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA – A CRITICAL ANALYSIS. One of the most damning and fundamental points being when in in 2007, a UK High Court judge ruled that Al Gore’s questionable 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth contained nine key scientific errors. While not banning its screening in British schools, judge Michael Burton ruled that it could only be shown with guidance notes to prevent political indoctrination.xiv [Of course, such indoctrination of our children is a fundamental objective of your overall agenda.]

The most damning of these nine points was point #4,xv which highlighted Al Gore’s misrepresentation of 1990s Russian Vostok Antarctic Station Ice Core data, where Al Gore erroneously asserted the relationship that CO2 led temperature, when in fact, the exact opposite was true! In other words:

CO2 does NOT lead temperature as asserted by your Catastrophic Climate Change Scam, but rather the opposite; namely that ‘temperature leads CO2!’”xvi [Refuting the very essence of your Catastrophic Climate Change Scam!!]

To which, I furnish links to official U.S. government agencies’ raw data!xvii Moreover, note the key search term “WayBack”. Clearly, anything such as the COVID-19 jab and Catastrophic Climate Change agendas, with the paws of your Globalist Overlords all over it, namely the UN and its strategic partner since June 2019 – Klaus Schwab’s WEF,xviii can only be ones of malevolent intent. And thus, by natural logical extension, so does your proposed Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023 as a benediction of Schwab’s dystopian [Global Socialism => Globalist] Trinity of Marxism, Fascism and Crony Capitalism. The latter, and indeed its synonymous Catastrophic Climate Change Scam, are certainly anathemas to the free enterprise of the Australia that enabled the prolific success of my father in owning and running his own dairy farming business.

To which my penultimate summary point; the UN normalisation of paedophilia, as attested to in its own documentationxix and documentation of its intimately linked Non Government Organisations (NGOs) such as the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ),xx further confirms their nefarious agendas, and ultimately; yours.

Finally, I conclude with the chillingly eerie, prescient but awe inspiring speech by the Jewish Holocaust survivor; Vera Sharav in Nuremberg on the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Code on the 20th of August 2022.xxi (Note my commentary in italicised bold within “[]”).

To which I pose to our corrupt global mainstream media, and indeed yourselves, the questions;

Would they or yourselves dare label Vera, a Holocaust survivor, a ‘far-right extremist?’ And, in the malevolent Orwellian spirit of your Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Mis-Dis-Mal information) Bill 2023, is she guilty of spreading mal-information?2 After all, the conservative Black American journalist Larry Elder is ludicrously labelled by the corrupt media as ‘The Black Face of White Supremacy!’xxii

I would be fascinated to hear your thoughts! To which, I farewell you to ponder the final line in LATIN of the prayer “Pater Noster – Our Father” before its concluding “Amen”:

Sed libera nos a malo”3

To compel all people on the planet, including even yourselves, to acknowledge the self-evident truth as elucidated by Vera:

Never Again is Now!”

Vince Barwinski

Author of the Religious and historic twin wartime epic The Pastor and the Matriarch of the German Underground and Their Times – A Polish Perspective.4

1 This submission, with key search terms at the beginning, contains 290 endnotes and 16 footnotes, of which, every single one is verifiable. It is also available online at

2 Mal-information is information that is TRUE. However, because it does not align with your nefarious agenda, it is deemed by your ilk as malicious. See Hence, from page 3 onwards in my 50 page submission, I dub your disinformation bill; Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Mis-Dis-Mal information) Bill 2023.

4 And of course, do not forget to read the free PDF copy of Chapter 29 of my book at It will be a mal-information truth bomb of meticulous research with eminently prescient historic parallels for you to ponder!

iv Page 150 of The China Tribunal Judgment released on March 1, 2020, chaired by Sir Geoffrey Nice QC. It can downloaded from The China Tribunal website at

xvii The raw data was sourced from raw data files from the website of the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center – CDIAC – located at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). It is the primary climate change data and information analysis center for DOE. CDIAC is supported by DOE’s Climate and Environmental Sciences Division within the Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER). The raw data files can be accessed at AND

xix The European Regional WHO document at OR Key search term is masturbation”. Yes, “masturbation”, relating to teaching children how to “masturbate!! Note; the WHO is an agency of the UN.

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Palm Sunday 02nd April 2023

To some, my blog may appear quite radical. However, that is only because the rise of Cultural Marxism in the West, embodied in its toxic philosophy and pseudo-religion of WOKEISM, has radically shifted the frame of reference in the West for the political centre.

Compared to when I was growing up in the seventies, all I am pushing for are traditional values and fundamental freedoms and liberties and a media with a modicum of truth and balance. Amidst however, a world of ubiquitous deceit and lies, telling the truth is a radical or revolutionary act. Moreover, it seems that anyone who questions a corrupt government’s narrative or agenda driven “experts” with obvious conflicts of interest such as the WHO – Wuhan Health Organisation chief and mass-murdering Ethiopian communist Tedros Adhanom or the mass-murdering medical fascist Anthony Fauci, as described in Robert F. Kennedy junior’s (nephew of JFK) meticulously researched book The Real Anthony Fauci, is radical. (This book is essential reading for every literate human-being on planet Earth.)

Yet, at the same time, as described in my Chapter 29, the far-left radicals of Freedom Road Socialist Organisation (FRSO), who upon their own admission, instigated the 2020 Minneapolis riots in the wake of George Floyd’s death, are perceived as heroes by our corrupt leftist media. Just watch this three minute video which is cited in my Chapter 29.

See also and

This is a mob, as discussed and cited in my Chapter 29  from their very own website, perceives the June 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre as the legitimate suppression of counter-revolution in China! And glorifies the burning of Police Stations! I quote from their website:

“Some people say real change is impossible. Burning police stations and millions of people in the streets this past year suggest otherwise. We want to abolish capitalism and replace it with socialism. This is not some dream; it can be a reality if we work – and fight – for it.”

Of course, this does not align with the agenda of a corrupt leftist media. Anything on the left, no matter how radical and destructive is good, while anything just the slightest right of centre, is bad, bad, bad, bad! But as I write in my Chapter 29:

“The Epoch Times were founded by Falun Gong practitioners who fled China for America on account of the heinous oppression perpetrated upon them by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) since July 20, 1999. Now ironically, in the “free” country of America, their multi-cultural staff report the truth in the face of an ideologically driven mass-media of pack journalism, which to reiterate, mirrors in so many respects, that of Berlin and Moscow of the 1930s, and indeed, modern-day Beijing. Mainstream media inevitably use the old foil of portraying them as far-right, but after years of studying Communism and National Socialism, and viewing with my own eyes, almost two metric tons of human hair at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp Museum in Poland in mid-2005, I do not require an agenda driven pack global media, masquerading as diverse free media, telling me what’s far-right. On the other hand, feigned incognisance of far-left accountability by global MSM reporters, literally amidst the burning and devastation of the 2020 summer riots, claiming that such “protesters” were mostly peaceful, is breathtaking. As is their synonymous and inexorable hypocrisy.”

To which, watch the following Twitter video which I cite in my Chapter 29:

Caption in video reads: “Fiery but mostly peaceful protests after police shootings

Hence, in the eyes of a corrupt leftist agenda driven media, yes I am indeed radical, yet Freedom Road Socialist Organisation are moderate and their acts of violence severely downplayed or simply not discussed. Anything from the left after all, cannot be bad!

More than anything, it was the lies of our corrupt media, severely underplaying the violent leftist riots in the American Summer of 2020, with ludicrous claims very early on, that they were perpetrated by White supremacists groups to discredit Black Lives Matter and other radical leftist groups, is what led to the inexorable contempt and mistrust I now have for our corrupt media, that will never be restored.

Finally, I have just completed my latest blog article on the blatantly politically motivated Manhattan indictment of Trump. I explore the historic parallel to the Stalinist purges of 1938 and the chronic Cultural Marxist WOKE driven decline of America with its fundamental denial of reality. Hence once again, emphasising in the West today, the radical shift to the left of the political centrist frame of reference.

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My list of BLOG posts and other relevant website links:

1) A general book description.

2) My Chapter by chapter description.

3) My list of book PDF excerpts, which includes two complete chapters and the front and back cover design for my Taiwan edition.

4) My 67 second book trailer OR on YouTube.


6) My Facebook posts from July 02nd 2020 until July 02 2022. NOTE: I was permanently booted off Facebook in early September 2022. I suspect for posting this DOCUMENT.

7) Why I belatedly wrote Chapter 29.

8) My message to Queensland Health on pseudo-vaccine coercion.

9) Brisbane Freedom Rally Saturday 20th November 2021; my impressions.

10) Why has Jackie Lambie done a 180 on pseudo-vaccines?

11) Brilliant and lucid message from a highly qualified but most importantly, honest medical professional.

12) My major objection to our Aussie cricketers paying homage to BLM – a Marxist terrorist entity — as emailed to Greg Rowell, Queensland delegate to Cricket Australia.

13) Eight false assumptions of pseudo-vaccines and time for Christians and the Church to stand up like Dietrich


15) My Email to Michael Gunner (Yes “GUNNER”) — Northern Territory Chief Minister of “Truth”

16) Summary of COVID A Second Opinion Conference Washington DC Monday 24th January 2022

17) My Polish perspective of Episode 2 of Faith and Reason February 24th 2022: Russia’s invasion is an opportunity to recall the message of Our Lady of Fatima.

18) The Russian invasion of Ukraine – The double-edged Globalist engineered conundrum of deceit, deception, confusion and subversion.

19) Andrei Illarionov article on the Biden-Putin duplicity in Ukraine taken down.

20) My letter to the Australian Greens New South Wales Member of Legislative Council (MLC) Cate Faehrmann

21) Message to American DEMRATS, RINOS, their supporters and GLOBALIST Institutionalised Fake News GIFN.

22) My letter to Mark Coleridge. Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane on Saturday 05th November 2022

23) Follow-up letter to Mark Coleridge: Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane on Sunday 13th November 2022


25) McGill university’s undisclosed conflict of interest with Pfizer.

26) To: The Sycophants of Australian Globalist Institutionalised Fake News – GIFN in the wake of their hypocritical and opportunistic politicisation of the terrible Wieambilla police shootings 260 kilometres (160 miles) west-north-west of Brisbane Queensland Australia.

27) To: Rosie of SBS Australia Complaints Department to elaborate upon my previous BLOG post on the Wieambilla shootings

28) Message to Reverend Deacon Andrew O’Brien of Brisbane Catholic Archdiocese in wake of Wieambilla

29) MY SUBMISSION TO AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT TO PASS THE HUMAN RIGHTS CHILDREN BORN ALIVE PROTECTION ACT 2022. This relates to the incredibly much higher rate generally thought of for babies surviving abortion only to be discarded like medical waste! Dare I say, as discussed in my submission, much in the vein of the infamous T-4 Euthanasia programme implemented in Hitler’s Third Reich. Moreover, how this mindset defines the transhumanist World Economic Forum of Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari.



32) My Easter 2023 message to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

33) You are an expert? So what is your agenda?

34) Summary of Submission against Australian and Orwellian Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023.


36) Story as told by his son of Polish war hero appallingly treated and dying in Hospital in Melbourne Australia during COVID dystopia.

37) Article submitted to the Catholic Crisis Magazine on Saturday 16th September 2023 titled “Globalist subversion of our faith leads me to the Latin Mass.”

38) My new mobile (cell) phone ringtone I created with the open-source AUDACITY application, before I uploaded it to my mobile phone. It mainly takes a swipe at the Catastrophic Climate Change Scam, although, one could easily allude it to the fraudulent November 2020 U.S. Presidential “election”, the November 2022 Midterms — especially in Arizona, and of course, the COVID JABS, or any other conceivable SCAM LEFTIST agenda.

39) My article written on Saturday 14th October 2023 — the day of Australia’s referendum on the “Indigenous” VOICE to Paraliament and its true agenda.

40) My essay on the aftermath of the barbaric Hamas attack on Israel on Saturday October 7th 2023. It is titled



41) To: All Corrupt Australian GIFN — Globalist Institutionalised Fake News.

Their inexorable ecstasy over the dubious and politically motivatedconviction” of Donald Trump by the corrupt and George Soros funded Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

42) Toning it down in the wake of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. REALLY???

43) My Message to Two-Tiered-Stasi Keir Starmer

44) My first “DISINFORMATION” report to the Australian Marxist Labor Party’s DISINFORMATION Reporting Portal.

45) My message to Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers in documenting my objection in his government’s latest attempt to pass the Orwellian Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill.

46) My Letter to the Deacon of Brisbane Archdiocese explaining why I spoke out at the Sunnybank Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Church Mass on Sunday 22nd September 2024.

47) Pravda on the Hudson — New York Times reporting on the CCP and how it relates to their projection of the overall picture of world events.

48) My objections to the October 2024 Open Letter: “Descendants: Do not distort and misuse Dietrich Bonhoeffer!”

49) The Biblically bastardized Cultural neo-Marxist WOKE sermon on Tuesday 21 January 2025 to undermine the legitimately elected Presidency of Donald J. Trump and promote the Globalist agenda of unelected bureaucrats of the World Economic Forum and its strategic partner the United Nations.

50) My follow up message to the Bonhoeffer 86.

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To: Rosie of SBS Australia Complaints Department to elaborate upon my previous BLOG post on the Wieambilla shootings

Subject: Reply to Rosie of SBS Australia complaints department.

Dear Rosie

I just read your reply, and the first question that crossed my mind was;

Did you read my letter not just emailed to SBS, but to the entire mainstream media of Australia, as posted on my blog at ?”

This blog post of mine will only take ten minutes at the most for you to read. At the end of this email, I will present you with a suggested solution to my complaint.

For friends I have posted it to, they have no problem understanding what it means or the major issue I have with you and Australian mainstream media in general – and to the much wider issue of global mainstream media. For years, I watched documentary after documentary on SBS, but in the wake of the fraudulent November 2020 U.S. election, this ceased. [Search for text “documentary on marine archaeology in the Black Sea on SBS Australia”] Mind you, ever since Donald Trump announced his intention to run for President in 2015, I was utterly perplexed by your rabid and fanatical rhetoric directed against him. What motivated this?

This letter I was compelled to write to SBS and Australian mainstream media in general following your propagandist reporting of the tragic shooting of police officers at Wieambilla near Chinchilla on December 12, 2022 by shooters who happened to have views opposing the D.I.E. – Dangerous, Ineffective, Expensive Nuremberg Code violating COVID-19 jabs. Such views are shared not just by me, but if you bother to do your own independent research, likewise supported by dozens of world renowned doctors such as Doctors Robert Malone, Paul Merrick, Harvey Risch, Pierre Kory, Richard Urso, Christina Parks, Mary Boden, Harpal Mangat, Aaron Kheriaty, David Wiseman, Jayanta Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff, Peter Alexander, Geert Vanden Bossche and Dr. Ben Marvel – all of whom appeared at Senator Ron Johnson’s Summary of COVID A Second Opinion Conference in Washington DC on Monday 24th January 2022.

To which I strongly suggest you read Robert F. Kennedy junior’s meticulously researched book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health an absolute must-read for every literate human being on planet Earth! This book, as likewise Senator Ron Johnson’s hearings in Washington DC in January and December, unequivocally vindicate three of my pronouns; “Prosecute Anthony Fauci[Search for “REMDESIVIR” – known colloquially as “RUN DEATH IS NEAR], “Prosecute Bill Gates” and “Prosecute Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus” – the latter of whom along with his WHO – Wuhan Health Organisation, is utterly beholden to the murderous Chinese Communist Party and Bill Gates. Graphically illustrating the Orwellian-like dystopian trinity of Marxism, Fascism and Crony Capitalism – the latter the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab refers to as “Stakeholder Capitalism,” to enable the destruction of our fundamental liberties and freedoms imperative to the very existence of our Western Civilisation. As the Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav eerily elucidated: Germany lost the Second World – but not the Nazis! [From 1:11:55 – See also Operation Paperclip]

Furthermore, Peter Daszak from the EcoHealth Alliance, stated the following way back on March 27, 2015. [Yes, March 27, 2015!!]:

Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs (Medical Counter Measures) such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. [Sound familiar?] We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.”

Given all of the above, the entire mainstream media globally, including yourselves at SBS, I have in my blog post, deemed the Globalist Institutionalised Fake News – GIFN. Moreover, this I will never apologise for, as all the evidence, unequivocally vindicates – rather than the blatantly policy driven science or scientism which for example, fanned the flames of the CCP Wuhan COVID cover-up.

Hence, when you use such blatantly policy driven science or scientism, to equate people such as myself, both non-expert and expert as “dangerousin the wake of Wieambilla, I have a huge problem. My heart goes out to the families of the police officers and the male civilian killed. For one thing, at the four Freedom rallies I have attended in Brisbane in November and December 2021, then September and December 2022, we have had a great relationship with Police officers. As I left the one in November 2021 at the Botanic Gardens, I thanked them, Which gets me to thinking; “Do you have a problem with that?” Or, “Does the GIFN agenda have a problem with that?”

Moreover, as I discussed in my blog, when we cast our minds back to the 2020 radical-left American Summer riots when Antifa and radical-left Freedom Road Socialist Organisation rioters were running rampant around the country, do you recall, or forget like your incognisant, blithering, feckless and fraudulently elected idol Creepy Sleepy president Joe Biden would surely do, when your incessant catch cry was:


Rest assured, I understand this radical-leftist catch cry does not suit your agenda in the wake of Wieambilla!

Given my decades of research into National Socialism and Communism, inspired by my dear, auto-didact but now deceased father, I see this country, whose wonderful opportunities and intrinsic freedoms he came to love upon leaving a devastated European continent in 1950 with his two sisters and mother, are being slowly engulfed in an ever encroaching darkness of an Orwellian-like dystopian trinity of Marxism, Fascism and Crony Capitalism – the dysfunctional Globalism as espoused by Klaus Schwab – a child of National Socialismi – and his World Economic Forum.

Before closing, I leave you with four burning and pertinent questions.

Firstly;Do you think the Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav is a far-right extremist for condemning the Big Pharma D.I.E. Nuremberg Code violating experimental jabs?” [D.I.E. – Dangerous, Ineffective, Expensive]

Secondly; Do you support an interview of hers, being banned on YouTube?

Thirdly; In the eyes of SBS, and the GIFN in general, would I be deemed a far-right extremist?

I imagine the answer would be an unequivocal and resounding “YES!” To which I respond with the following:

After years of studying Communism and National Socialism, and viewing with my own eyes, almost two metric tons of human hair at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp Museum in Poland in mid-2005, I do not require an agenda driven and supine pack Globalist media, such as yourselves, masquerading as diverse free media, telling me what is and what is not far-right.”

Fourthly; “How many jabs will it take before the jabbed finally wake up – 5, 10, 15, 20, 25??

And finally, if I were to suggest a solution for you and the GIFN in general to address my complaint, it would be as follows:

Admit, from the outset of the COVID pLandemic, you have been lying to us at virtually every turn, and your actions, as the evidence for one thing, presented at Senator Johnson’s Washington DC hearings in January and December 2022, in concert with your suppression of the now NON-patented and decades proven perfectly safe and cheap drugs of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, have cost hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives globally. In short, the Dangerous, Ineffective, Expensive – D.I.E. Experimental Nuremberg Code violating Big Pharma jabs and mandates were never necessary! Moreover, admission of your suppression of the fact of the definitive age-stratification of COVID, coupled with your admission of obsequious, peddling, espousal of D.I.E. Nuremberg Code violating Experimental Big Pharma jabs and mandates, far more likely to kill our children than the virus itself. The latter being a neo-embodiment of the worship of the Canaanite God of child sacrifice Molech,

This is extreme, but if you do the due and independent diligent research, that is what SBS and the rest of your GIFN cohorts are compelled morally to do. I will leave you with this question in regard to the aforementioned, brave and dissident medical professionals that appeared at Senator Johnson’s hearings in Washington DC in January and December 2022:

Why is it that world renowned doctors, scientists and medical professionals pre-CCP-Fauci-Daszak Gain Of Function Virus, suddenly become pariahs? In particular, those attending Senator Johnson’s conference in Washington DC on Monday January 24th 2022.[I suggest you play from 03:51:30 to 03:53:00 to listen to what Dr. Pierre Kory says.]

To reiterate, they were:

Doctors Robert Malone, Paul Merrick, Harvey Risch, Dr. Pierre Kory, Richard Urso, Christina Parks, Mary Boden, Harpal Mangat, Aaron Kheriaty, David Wiseman, Jayanta Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff, Peter Alexander, Geert Vanden Bossche and Dr. Ben Marvel. [Note: FALSE rumours have spread that Robert Malone is NOT the inventor of mRNA. This is a LIE. See where he is mentioned as one of several inventors in the patent document.]

Given that the vast majority of the populace take whatever mass-media report as essentially the undeniable absolute truth, you could potentially become heroes in undermining this Orwellian Globalist hell we are now spiralling into – or delude yourself into complying your way out of tyranny. What will it be?

Yours with the gravest sincerity

Vince Barwinski

i The Executive Chair of the World Economic Forum – WEF; Klaus Schwab since its inception in 1971 as the European Management Forum, which was renamed the WEF in 1987, was born on March 30th 1938 in Ravensburg Germany near the Swiss border. He was a life-long protege of Henry Kissinger and his father Eugen was managing director of the Swiss company Escher-Wyss, which used slave labour and Allied prisoners of war, as well as producing key technologies for the production of atomic bombs for Adolf Hitler. See and and The Wikipedia article at states that Klaus’ birth mother was Erika Epprecht, but this is a lie. His biological mother was the Jewess Emma Kilian who abandoned Klaus on December 9th 1938 fleeing to New York about one month following Reichskristallnacht – National Night of Broken Glass when Jewish businesses and establishments were vandalised all over Germany. The genealogical data for Emma Kilan proving her as the biological mother of Klaus Schwab is at See also In short, it seems you are beholden to a child of National Socialism – of whom, with Satanic like zeal, has dedicated his life to the inexorable encroachment of big government into every aspect of our lives. Thus embodied in an Orwellian-like dystopian trinity of Marxism, Fascism and Crony Capitalism – the latter Schwab refers to as “Stakeholder Capitalism,” to enable the destruction of our fundamental liberties and freedoms imperative to the very existence of our Western Civilisation. As the Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav eerily elucidated: Germany lost the Second World – but not the Nazis! [From 1:11:55 – See also Operation Paperclip]

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To: The Sycophants of Australian Globalist Institutionalised Fake News – GIFN in the wake of their hypocritical and opportunistic politicisation of the terrible Wieambilla police shootings 260 kilometres (160 miles) west-north-west of Brisbane Queensland Australia.

Dear Aussie Globalist Institutionalised Fake News – GIFN Sycophants!

Before I lead into the tragic event at Wieambilla on December 12, 2022, my opening question to you is:

Can you explain to me why a Holocaust survivor would have her interview on YouTube taken down?

Indeed, does that not make the censors at YouTube a pack of far-right extremists? And does not the peddling of Dangerous, Ineffective, Expensive – D.I.E. Experimental Big Pharma jabs by yourselves and government, violating the Nuremberg Code and far more likely to kill our children than the virus itself, in a neo-embodiment of the worship of the Canaanite God of child sacrifice Molech, make you Fascists? Perhaps the Auschwitz Angel of Death – Doctor Josef Mengele, of which twin children were his favourite subjects, would be proud of you? Moreover, as indeed Benito Mussolini himself would attest to:

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”

Furthermore, I am of course aware by the standards of your servile Globalist hypocrisy, I would be a far-right extremist. However, after years of studying Communism and National Socialism, and viewing with my own eyes, almost two metric tons of human hair at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp Museum in Poland in mid-2005, I do not require an agenda driven and supine pack Globalist media, such as yourselves, masquerading as diverse free media, telling me what is and what is not far-right.

With the true nature of the global ideological battlefield now summarised, it’s time to address the horrific shoot-out at Wieambilla. Whereupon, as your pro-D.I.E.-jab Nuremberg Code violating Globalist narrative crumbles, you deemed it was necessary to politicise the fact that the shooters who had legitimate concerns with the Nuremberg Code violating D.I.E. experimental jabs, was to be justification of blanket condemnation of anti-D.I.E.-COVIDjabbers in general.

However, upon embarking on this blanket assertion of rabid leftist hypocrisy, given how you do admittedly and rightly condemn anyone who says “all Muslims are extremists” whenever Islamic terrorists commit atrocities, but on the other hand, you resort to blanket assumptions of anti-D.I.E.-jabbers with more than legitimate concerns in regard to the D.I.E. Nuremberg Code violating experimental jabs, one has to ask you the burning, symbolic and pertinent question;

Do you think the Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav is a far-right extremist for condemning the Big Pharma D.I.E. Nuremberg Code violating experimental jabs?

and likewise:

Senator Ron Johnson and brave pre-COVID world renowned dissident doctors when they recently met in Washington DC and called out the D.I.E. Nuremberg Code violating experimental jabs and their association to the growing excess deaths globally?

Moreover, when we cast our minds back to the 2020 radical-left American Summer riots when Antifa and radical-left Freedom Road Socialist Organisation rioters were running rampant around the country, do you recall, or forget like your incognisant, blithering, feckless and fraudulently elected idol Creepy Sleepy president Joe Biden would surely do, when your incessant catch cry was:


Ever since the peaceful anti-jab Canadian Truckers protested against the Nuremberg Code violating D.I.E. experimental jabs mandates back in February 2022, or freedom protests globally in relation to the enforcement of any socially destructive and economic wrecking ball COVID-19 lockdowns, that slogan of yours seems to have been discarded for the time being at least, from your leftist agenda-driven play book of hypocrisy.

Moreover, you insist on calling the Nuremberg Code violating- D.I.E.-experimental jabs “vaccines.” However, given that the original definition of:

A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.” [Thank goodness for the good old WayBack Machine!]

to merely a cop-out narrative crumbling definition of:

A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.

how can you indeed call us anti-vaxers? At least in regard to the Nuremberg Code violating D.I.E. experimental COVID-19 jabs??

The Walking Dead  that are the mass-murdering and genocidal CCP – Chinese Communist Party, which as far as I could tell throughout 2020, you had no interest in ever criticising in their nefarious role in the COVID-19 pLandemic and its cover-up, in ostensible fear of appearing “racist,” has no interest in the true spirit of investigative journalism. Rather, they are only concerned in delivering “news” subservient to the line of the party with a seven decades long history drenched in genocide, terror and oppression. Indeed, like the Globalist apparatus you indeed serve, headed by Klaus Schwab, [See the footnote at the end] investigative journalists are a threat, but propagandists, as indeed you yourselves have become, are the indispensable, compliant and obsequious tools to foster and preserve tyranny – such as your still obsequious subservience to the crumbling Nuremberg Code violating pro-COVID-19-jab narrative.

Furthermore, your false reporting of Ivermectin as just a horse drug, when in fact, it is a multifaceted and now non-patented drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against the scourge that became known as COVID-19 – the CCP-Fauci-Daszak-GOF Virus. The latter and truly origin-descriptive term of which, implying the fact that purveyors of disease, such as Anthony Fauci, will always attempt to flog the “cure.”

Moreover, in again referencing this term, but in this instance, to the no less self-serving Peter Daszak from the EcoHealth Alliance, when he stated the following way back on March 27, 2015. [Yes, March 27, 2015]:

Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs (Medical Counter Measures) such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.”

Have you read Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago? If not, you should! And to reiterate, just as investigative journalists are a threat to the CCP, propagandists, as indeed you yourselves have become, were likewise indispensable to the tyranny of the Soviet Empire. To paraphrase this theme, you lot have become compliant and obsequious tools to foster and preserve tyranny – such as, to again reiterate, your still obsequious subservience to the crumbling Nuremberg Code violating pro-COVID-19-jab narrativea quintessential modern-day vindication of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn. Think I am confusing National Socialism with Marxism? Well, never forget the “Socialism” in National Socialism which Klaus Schwab has transformed into International Socialism => Globalism. [See the footnote at the end]

And finally……how many jabs will it take before you finally wake up – 5, 10, 15, 20, 25?? Personally, rather than trusting a scandal riddled Pfizer, I will always trust my natural immunity, as yours declines with every jab – as indicated with the aforementioned rising toll globally of excess deaths. Moreover, the tragic event at Wieambilla, in spite of your most nefariously best efforts of deceit, duplicity and deception, will ultimately, refuse to prop-up your crumbling pro-DIE-Experimental and Nuremberg Code Violating jab narrative.

This will be due to so many questions that pertain to your rabid and inexorable hypocrisy, as you portray yourselves as ostensible oracles of truth, but in fact, are the obsequious and duplicitous servile sycophants of Globalist sociopathic overlords, dedicated to the destruction of Western Civilisation and its synonymous open market place of ideas. Upon which bad ideas perish, and good prevail in the pursuit of truth – not nefarious agendas such as of yourselves and your Globalist overlords.1

Happy Propagandising!

After all, rather than journalism, that is what you obsequious servile sycophants to the Globalist agenda of Klaus Schwab and co, unashamedly do best! [See the footnote]

1 The Executive Chair of the World Economic Forum – WEF; Klaus Schwab since its inception in 1971 as the European Management Forum, which was renamed the WEF in 1987, was born on March 30th 1938 in Ravensburg Germany near the Swiss border. He was a life-long protege of Henry Kissinger and his father Eugen was managing director of the Swiss company Escher-Wyss, which used slave labour and Allied prisoners of war, as well as producing key technologies for the production of atomic bombs for Adolf Hitler. See and and The Wikipedia article at states that Klaus’ birth mother was Erika Epprecht, but this is a lie. His biological mother was the Jewess Emma Kilian who abandoned Klaus on December 9th 1938 fleeing to New York about one month following Reichskristallnacht – National Night of Broken Glass when Jewish businesses and establishments were vandalised all over Germany. The genealogical data for Emma Kilan proving her as the biological mother of Klaus Schwab is at See also In short, it seems you are beholden to a child of National Socialism – of whom, with Satanic like zeal, has dedicated his life to the inexorable encroachment of big government into every aspect of our lives. Thus embodied in an Orwellian-like dystopian trinity of Marxism, Fascism and Crony Capitalism – the latter Schwab refers to as “Stakeholder Capitalism,” to enable the destruction of our fundamental liberties and freedoms imperative to the very existence of our Western Civilisation. As the Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav eerily elucidated: Germany lost the Second World – but not the Nazis! [From 1:11:55 – See also Operation Paperclip]

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Message to American DEMRATS, RINOS, their supporters and GLOBALIST Institutionalised Fake News GIFN.

To all GLOBALIST Institutionalised Fake News GIFN, American DEMRATS, RINOS and their supporters, The Epoch Times is NOT FAR RIGHT as claimed by agenda driven “Fact” Checkers, more akin to narrative police. See for example “All Sides Media Bias Rating” at for a much more balanced assessment of the Epoch Times. They deem The Epoch Times bias rating as “Lean Right, though perhaps close to Center.” See also the explanation on their unique Blind Bias Rating Method – kind of like “Lady Justice should be blind” at

Moreover, for well over a year, from early 2020 until around May 2021, the Global Institutionalised Fake News GIFN, Big Tech and their agenda driven army of “fact” checkers or narrative police claimed that any talk of a virus leak out of the lab in Wuhan was racist conspiracy theory. The Epoch Times however all this time was rightly claiming the lab leak as far and away the most plausible theory over Anthony “Weasel” Fauci’s dubious and self-serving natural origins theory. Which just goes to show the only difference today between “conspiracy theory” and fact is TIME!

And in regard to D.I.E.-(Dangerous, Ineffective, Expensive)-quasi-vax-mandates, (eg I see another twist of irony to the question “Who are the Fascists?” Namely, the malevolent union of Big Pharma and Big Government which recalls for me the following quote of the former Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini:

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”

Hence, D.I.E.-quasi-vaccine mandates by Benito Mussolini’s very definition, are Fascism, or more specifically, Medical Fascism. Yet, in a classical piece of propaganda projection by the GIFN and pro-D.I.E.-quasi-vaccine mandate politicians that the genocidal Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would be proud of, people such as myself, simply aware of our rights as bestowed upon us by God, to which no government or bureaucrat has the right to neither revoke or reinstate, are branded as Nazis, to which applies the more strictly accurate historical term; National Socialists. Of course, for Hitler’s Reich and all communist regimes past and present, the ultimate authority is Big Government, to whom they erroneously perceive of themselves as the ultimate authority and arbiter of our God given rights.

And especially given his “night of the living dead speech” on September 1, 2022, in truth a Fascist rant with blood red likeness background, so does a blithering, vapid and feckless president masquerading as America’s legitimately elected commander in chief, as he “governs” from what presently passes for the nation’s capital. Namely the Deep State sewer, not swamp of Washington DC, as swamps, opposed to sewers, have great ecological value.

Finally at the end of my ten month period teaching English in Poland from early September 2004 to late June 2005, I witnessed two metric tons of human hair at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp Museum. As such, I do not require an agenda driven pack global media or politicians, including a blithering, vapid, feckless and fraudulent Globalist puppet of an American president, masquerading as diverse free media or representatives of our rights, embracing for example, the Medical Fascism and crumbling narrative of chronically under-tested D.I.E.-quasi-vaccines, amidst the present immune imprinting pandemic of the highly multiple-vaccinated, telling me what’s far-right. as described by the world renowned Dr. Robert Malone. Also as described by Dr. Harvey Risch and N.S.W. data at

Photo taken by me at the Musgrave Park Freedom Rally South Brisbane Queensland Australia Saturday 18th December 2021.

Dr. Robert Malone’s “first rule of holes: ‘WHEN IN ONE, STOP DIGGING!!’” From 27 minutes Epoch Times interview of Dr. Pierre Kory dated July 26th 2022.The Epoch Times interview of Dr. Pierre Kory dated July 26th 2022.

Dr. Robert Malone’s dry sense of humour is again most poignant.

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My letter to the Australian Greens New South Wales Member of Legislative Council (MLC) Cate Faehrmann

To: Cate Faehrmann

Australian Greens

Member NSW Legislative Council

Sunday 07th August 2022

Subject: Your COVID-19 and Climate Change policies.

PDF can be downloaded HERE.

Dear Cate

How are you? My name is Vince Barwinski and I’m an Australian Catholic of Polish descent, born in Sydney Australia in 1962 and a lifetime researcher of National Socialism and Communism. Recently I visited the Greens website to research your policy on COVID-19 and in particular, the ostensible vaccines to combat it. Later, I will discuss your climate change policy.

Rather than Big Pharma, such as the scandal riddled Pfizeri producing our vaccines offshore, you propose that you will produce enough of our own vaccines onshore for everyone by building and operating a publicly-owned mRNA vaccine production facility,ii embodying I imagine a tax-payer funded investment of $250 million over the next two years into Covid-19 vaccine research.iii To which I am reminded of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Sinovax program and its disastrous failure given the recent spate of their starvation zero-COVID-19 lockdowns in a number of its cities, including its largest city of Shanghai, that had for a time, been transformed into the world’s largest ever concentration camp.

On the other hand, our Global Institutionalised Fake News Media (GIFN) virulently push the offshore Big Pharma vaccines. This even, as the glaringly obvious existential failure of these ostensible vaccines in preventing the spread (indeed, even exacerbating it) of a never-ending mutating mRNA COVID-19 virus.iv 1 As alluded to recently by Dr. Robert Malone, even the desperate last stand of the pro-vax narrative that these jabs prevent severe disease is no longer tenable.v Moreover, the numerous adverse reactions, as damningly vindicated by my friend last year upon being jabbed, being unable to walk, talk, eat or swallow for seven weeks, and the head of the Indianapolis-based insurance company One America at the end of 2021, stating that the death rate was up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people aged 18 to 64!vi

To paraphrase Dr. Robert Malone;

the obsession with jabs to contain the virus, is akin to giving a three-year-old a hammer, upon which, everything becomes a nail!”


using a hammer to cut a piece of wood!”

As such, he now terms the jabs as inoculations as they have ceased to act as true prophylactic vaccines.vii

And then the irony of a local Detroit American Bolshevik Collective (ABC) network in a September 11, 2021 Facebook post requesting people to share their stories of beloved unvaccinated that had died. Naturally, they wanted to make a big story of what they hoped would be a huge scoop for their pro-pseudo-vax narrative. But what happened next was totally unexpected. In the following five days, over 200,000 (!) people posted comments, but not about unvaccinated beloved ones – rather about vaccinated loved ones that died shortly after being injected, or were permanently disabled. The 200,000 comments revealed a shocking death-wave among the population, and the heart wrenching suffering these injections are causing.viii

All this suppressed by our GIFN and government institutions,ix 2 even to the point of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA) officially muzzling our doctors in March 2021 to question the efficacy and safety of these Big Pharma concoctions.x All to which, I am reminded of the following statement by Peter Daszak from the EcoHealth Alliance way back on March 27, 2015. [Yes, March 27, 2015!]

Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs (Medical Counter Measures) such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.”xi

Given that Peter Daszak from the outbreak of the Virus in Wuhan was complicit in the suppression of all discussion on the Wuhan Lab leak theory,xii which more and more appears to be the most plausible explanation, rather than the natural origin theory, pushed so vehemently by Anthony Fauci, to which no evidence has been forthcoming, I am concerned as to the true agenda of “vaccine” mandates in general.

Hence, in November 2021, I raised my concerns about Peter Daszak, as just stated, in an online query on the Queensland Government website. I received the following preliminary reply from

Thank you for contacting the Queensland Government regarding an explanation for a statement made by Peter Daszak from the EcoHealth Alliance way back on March 27, 2015.

Your email has been forwarded to Queensland Health who will respond to your enquiry.”

I am still yet to hear from Queensland Health.

On January 24, 2022, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin moderated the “COVID A Second Opinion Conference” in Washington DC. In this five hour discussion, a panel of world renowned doctors and medical experts provided a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, [really the complete lack thereof] what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.

Before COVID-19, these doctors and medical experts were world renowned, but upon questioning the official COVID-19 “vaccine” narrative as propagated by the GIFN, they have been vilified from pillar to post as they have put their reputations and livelihoods on the line. Hence, at the opening of my blog summary, I ask the following question:

Why is it that world renowned doctors, scientists and medical professionals pre-CCP-Fauci-Daszak Virus, suddenly become pariahs??? In particular, those attending Senator Johnson’s conference in Washington DC on Monday January 24th 2022?”xiii

One topic discussed in depth, which was suppressed by our GIFN and medical agencies globally, was the pre-COVID-vaccine era early treatment of the CCP-Fauci-Daszak-Gain-Of-Function (GOF) virusxiv within 72 hours of infection with re-purposed, cheap and decades proven safe drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine,xv rather than the toxic and malevolent Fauci strategy of lockdown and do nothing until one is forced into hospital,xvi to be then treated with the Dangerous, Ineffective and Expensive D.I.E. drug REMDESIVIRxvii [Run death is near].xviii This in spite of the fact, that even the ultra-corrupt WHO (Wuhan Health Organisation)xix acknowledged that REMDESIVIR was useless against COVID.xx

Moreover, as Robert Kennedy Junior documented in his must read book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Healthxxi for every literate human being on planet Earth, REMDESIVIR was a drug patented by Gilead Sciences to which Bill Gates, the vaccine marketing crony capitalist and masquerading philanthropist and close friend of Anthony Fauci, had invested a huge share portfolio. Beyond all doubt, Fauci and Gates are the very epitome of the Medical Fascist-Crony Capitalist hybrid. Add their complicity with the CCP, and the Orwellian dystopian trinity of Marxism, Fascism and Crony Capitalism is complete.xxii

On the other hand, brave dissident doctors and medical professionals attending Senator Johnson’s conference, had remarkable success with the aforementioned cheap, safe and very effective treatments of re-purposed drugs, to which this eminently treatable virus and its associated pandemic could have been over by mid-2020 – long before the Big Pharma D.I.E vaccines arrived on the scene.xxiii And no, ivermectin is not just a horse drug, as professed by the GIFN. Rather, it is a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against the global scourge that became known as COVID-19xxiv – the CCP-Fauci-Daszak-GOF Virus.xxv

For example, by mid-September 2021, the most populous Indian state of Uttah Pradesh (approx 200 million),xxvi bordering Nepal, had remarkably no CCP-Fauci-Daszak-GOF Virus infections. Since then, new cases have emerged but it remains far and away the most successful Indian state in containing the virus.xxvii Moreover, when one looks at the graphs for countries of West Africa at the time with very low vaccination rates like Liberia, Ghana, Guinea, Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Senegal, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Niger we find a confirmation of what the remarkable black American Doctor Ben Carson stated in a December 2021 interview on The Epoch Times “American Thought Leaders” channel:

Well, I think the way out of this is quite easy. We say, “Sorry, we’ve been having tunnel vision and that’s not who we are.” Let’s open this thing up to all the different mechanisms. Let’s look around the world at things that work. Let’s look at the fact that on the western coast of Africa, there’s almost no COVID and let’s ask ourselves why is that? And then you see it’s because they take anti-malarials, particularly hydroxychloroquine. Let’s study that. Let’s see what’s going on there.”xxviii

Yet, developed countries around the world, including Australia have pursued mandates of D.I.E. “vaccines,” whose efficacy, even upon being inflated with the misleading figure of Relative Risk Reduction (RRR), rather than scrutinised with the much more reliable and useful Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR),xxix have been coerced upon people from many professions, including our doctors and nurses. This begs the obvious question; WHY? To which no innocent answer seems forthcoming to me.

Rather, I see a malevolent union of Big Pharma and Big Government. To which I recall the following quote of the former Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini:

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”xxx

Hence, D.I.E. vaccine mandates, by Benito Mussolini’s very definition, are Fascism, or more specifically, Medical Fascism. Yet, in a classical piece of propaganda projection by the GIFN and pro-D.I.E. vaccine mandate politicians, that the genocidal Chinese Communist Party (CCP)xxxi would be proud of, people such as myself, simply aware of our rights as bestowed upon us by God, to which no government or bureaucrat has the right to neither revoke or reinstate, are branded as Nazis, to which applies the more strictly accurate historical term; National Socialists. Of course, for Hitler’s Reich and all communist regimes past and present, the ultimate authority is Big Government, to whom they erroneously perceive of themselves as the ultimate authority and arbiter of our God given rights.

Moreover, at the end of my ten month period teaching English in Poland from early September 2004 to late June 2005, I witnessed two metric tons of human hair at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp Museum, which led to me writing my book The Pastor and the Matriarch of the German Underground and Their Times A Polish Perspectivexxxii which documents in depth, the crimes of National Socialism and Communism. As such, I do not require an agenda driven pack global media or politicians, masquerading as diverse free media or representatives of our Constitutional Monarchy, embracing for example, the Medical Fascism and crumbling narrative of chronically under-tested D.I.E vaccines, amidst the present immune imprinting pandemic of the highly multiple-vaccinated,xxxiii telling me what’s far-right.

What’s amusing for me, is that when I attended the December 2021 Freedom Rally in South Brisbane’s Musgrave Park, at around 3 o’clock, there was a tiny pro-vax Communist march down the street south of Musgrave. They numbered only around 40, which paled into insignificance with the tens of thousands of Freedom people inside the park. Many were from the ultra-left Socialist Alliance, and it was strange to see these radical leftists pushing the agenda of ultra-crony-capitalist Big Pharma. In other words, the quintessential and aforementioned synthesis of corporatism and big government – Fascism. And of course, we are not in any way questioning their right to take the D.I.E. “vaccines,” but they wish to coerce these dangerous jabs upon us. However, the crowning kicker was when they chanted; “you are on aboriginal sacred ground” when all the aboriginals were with us in the park!!xxxiv Including, aboriginal flags hanging alongside American flags.

On your website, I could not immediately ascertain your policy on D.I.E. Big Pharma “vaccine” mandates.xxxv However, after typing in “mandate” into your internal search engine, I came across the article dated February 28, 2022 and titled Six Big COVID Ideas by Dr Shawn, a Perth based GP. In it, he unequivocally states his support of the D.I.E. “vaccine” mandates embodied in principle by the aforementioned Medical Fascism, which I imagine, must imply your unconditional support – albeit with D.I.E. vaccines manufactured onshore.

Nevertheless, if one dies or suffers whatever adverse reaction and/or permanent injury from the D.I.E. immune imprinting “vaccines,”xxxvi whether they are manufactured onshore by a publicly owned entity or offshore is a mute point to say the least. However, no less criminal, would still be your suppression I imagine of the remarkably Safe, Effective and Cheap (S.E.C.) early treatments of re-purposed and now non-proprietary drugs that are ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine – the very antithesis of the Big Pharma D.I.E. vaccines. In short, for the victim, any possible distinction between Medical Fascism and its Socialist variant is irrelevant.

Dr Shawn in his article claimed that vaccine mandates are not new, citing for example Taiwan’s hepatitus B vaccine mandate in the 1980s. However, that vaccine and the others he mentioned had been much more thoroughly tested over ten to twenty years,xxxvii rather than the current COVID-19 D.I.E. “vaccines,” which were only released in December 2020 – implying just months of testing!! Moreover, the contrived and unprecedented diluting of the definition of a vaccine from

A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”

to merely

A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”xxxviii

A consequence it seems, of the seemingly never ending and increasingly ineffective multiple jabbing of D.I.E. vaccines for a highly mutating mRNA virus, more akin to fanning flames with gasoline in a classical case of what Dr. Robert Malone terms immune imprinting.xxxix The highly dubious pretext being EUA – Emergency Use Authorisation – in service at every single step to the agenda of Big Pharma – not the true well being of humanity.

As a mere electric meter reader, one could argue that I should shut-up and listen to the highly qualified expert Dr Shawn. And indeed, before the outbreak of the CCP-Fauci-Daszak-GOF virus, I would have been more than inclined to agree. However, with revelations since of the corruption which defines so-called “experts” of the WHO – Wuhan Health Organisation and the American Centre for Disease Collusion (CDC) covered for by our obsequious GIFN, as the Jewish-American radio talk-show host and columnist Dennis Prager put it in his Epoch Times Opinion piece;

You are an expert; so what”xl

to which I add;

What’s your agenda?”

After all, it has clearly been agenda driven “experts” such as Anthony Fauci and the mass murdering Ethiopian communist Tedros Adhanomxli that have been major players in leading us down this path of the unfolding Orwellian dystopian trinity of Marxism, Fascism and Crony Capitalism.

To further fan my mistrust of the GIFN and synonymous political narrative, on Saturday the 23rd July 2022, I discovered that in 2017 and 2018, hundreds of millions of COVID-19 Test Kits were distributed worldwide. YES, I REPEAT, in 2017 and 2018, hundreds of millions of COVID-19 Test Kits were distributed worldwide. Which implies of course, foreknowledge of malevolent players for a coming plandemic that would become known as COVID-19.

Let this sink in for a second: literally hundreds of millions of COVID-19 test kits were exported and imported, all over the world, during 2017 and 2018. Yes, hundreds of millions! Which begs the question, were or are the Australian Greens beholden to these malevolent actors?

This baffling data was discovered by someone on September 5, 2020, who posted it on social media. It went viral all over the world. The next day, on September 6, the WITS [WORLD INTEGRATED TRADE SOLUTION – a department of the World Bank] suddenly changed the original label “COVID-19” into the vague term “Medical Test Kits”. But fortunately their cover up came too late; this critical information was uncovered and is being revealed by millions worldwide, including myself just last Saturday 23rd July 2022.

The PDF that shows the original data of this website can be downloaded at and viewed on the WayBack machine at dated September 5th, 2020 at 21:04:27.xlii

Moreover, from the WayBack Machine on September 6th 2020 at 22:47:12 at you see the new generic term “Medical Test Kits”, but from just fifty minutes earlier at, you find the original and more specific term “COVID-19” given FOR TEST KITS SOLD IN 2017! WHY??? Did malevolent actors have foreknowledge of the coming COVID-19 plandemic? Or was it just pure coincidence that they named them COVID-19 test kits?

Of course, the incessant lying associated with the outbreak of the CCP-Fauci-Daszak-GOFxliii and the global propagation by malevolent bureaucrats far more deadly than the virus they purveyed, of the associated D.I.E. vaccine scam,3 to which the suppression of early treatment through Safe, Effective and Cheap (S.E.C.) and re-purposed drugs, was more than key, are not the only scams or falsehoods propagated to spread global fear and panic. That of course would require one of the most massive books of all time!

To begin with, there is the case of the Californian Sea Change Foundation being funded by Russia via the U.S.–Bermuda–Moscow triangle of money laundering.xliv To which it would be difficult to imagine the coal/oil/gas mining/drilling/burning Vladimir Putin being taken in on the ostensible idealism of the climate change and “renewable”/unreliable energy scams. Rather, the destabilisation of the West through the undermining of its energy independence being his far more plausible motive. To which the blithering, vapid, feckless and incognisant Joe OBiden’s immediate closure of the Keystone Oil Pipeline upon his infraudation in January 2021 is more than poignant.xlv

However, within our shores, there is your puppet Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announcing his intent to plunge Australia head first and blindly into the dual climate change and “renewable”/unreliable energy scam, based on frivolous assertions of dire and extreme global atmospheric CO2 levels,xlvi when in fact, global atmospheric CO2 levels are at one of their lowest levels ever in the entire natural history of the Earth. Hence, a grossly ill-conceived white elephant of a plan with no thought given on its economic, social and environmental impact.

For example, the consequences of forever studding our land with the gargantuan bird killing monstrosities of unreliable power that are wind turbinesxlvii and the use of child labour in Africa for lithium, cobalt etc for the batteries of indulgently expensive electric cars,xlviii and the Western Australian Labor government’s intent to shut down all coal fired power stations by 2030!xlix Again, a superficially benevolent agenda used to mask malevolent intent to undermine our civilisation and fan the growth of malevolent Big Government control of our lives. To reiterate, all under the pretext of the dual climate change and “renewable”/unreliable energy scam.

Given the above, I imagine you would support the lunacy of the Dutch government of Mark Rutte’s bombastically dubbed with Marxian like fervour “People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy”, much so named like the “Democratic” People’s Republic of Korea, to ultimately drive the incredibly efficient Dutch farmers of time and generations immemorial from their farms through the implementation of Global Co-ordinating Secretariat of World Economic Forum Food Innovation Hubs – all in the name of your dual climate change and “renewable”/unreliable energy scams.l The World Economic Forum (WEF) being an entity based in the Geneva canton of Switzerland, ultimately motivated in coercing the world into their diabolical “Great Reset” – “You will own nothing, but you will be happy”, as proclaimed on their websiteli and one of their very own – Ida Auken, one of their Young Global Leaders and Member of their Global Future Council on Cities and Urbanization.lii

Moreover, in 2018, the WEF commenced a “Great Reset” of Sri Lanka’s economy dubbed “Vision 25” through which it was promised that Sri Lanka would become rich and prosperous by 2025.liii Hmmm….to which I ask you…how is that going??? To me, it’s more like one of the final lines of 1848 Communist Manifesto:

The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.liv

And is this what is planned for Holland today by their PM and servile WEF sycophant globalist puppet Mark Rutte, as he implements their ostensibly altruistic but in reality dystopian Orwellian trinity of Marxism, Fascism and Crony Capitalism that has killed the canary in the coal mine that has become Sri Lanka??

And do you support WEF Young Global Leader Jacinda Ardern’slv agenda to tax New Zealand farmers’ cows and sheep for farts and burpslvi in the name of your dual climate change and “renewable”/unreliable energy scam??

And do you support the WEF’s “Space Bubble shield concept to counter the effects of climate change by reflecting the sun’s rays”??lvii A proposal one could see spawning from the evil head of Spectre from James Bond or Dr. Evil from Austin Powers. Hmmm … the executive chair of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, seems to fulfil that role perfectly …. although minus the Persian cat! [Not that I have anything against cats!]

In any event, if you support such obviously hair brained schemes of these sociopaths in Geneva, each more hair brained than the last, then, in all likelihood, you support the following, or are all too willing to look the other way:

Ronald Bernard was directly working with the highest people of the financial elite, who effectively rule the world. He was very good at moving their massive money flows, in such a way that nobody could discover their criminal practices. At a certain point they invited him to join their Holy Mass in the Churches of Satan. Bernard found it amusing to see the naked women, and enjoy the drugs and alcohol. The next step however shook him: he was invited to participate in the sacrificing of children. He discovered that most people who operate at the highest financial levels of our world are all part of a religion called Luciferianism, where children are sacrificed.”lviii [In part, performed as a means of mutual blackmail to ensure perpetual compliance by all members of this malevolent garbage global elite!]

Sounds far fetched? What about Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and their private island? And the D.I.E. jabbing/sacrifice of six-month-old babies endorsed by the American CDC, the former being far more likely to die of the D.I.E. jab than the virus?lix And the damning evidence from the UK, further exemplifying the morally unconscionable agenda of “vaccinating” our children,lx in spite of the obvious age-stratification of the virus in their favour.lxi As the recently deceased but heroic Dr. Vladimir Zelenko would say; “Are you into child sacrifice?” To which, given I imagine your grief with the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court, could it be in the name of the Canaanite God of Child Sacrifice Molech?lxii Hence, in conclusion, given your seemingly common thread philosophy of:

never let a crisis go to waste to promote Big Government growth and power … ”

collectively embodying your approach to the CCP-Fauci-Daszak-GOF virus and the dual climate change and “renewable”/unreliable energy scam, I ask you:

To whom are you truly beholden?4

Because as I see it, it’s certainly not the people of Australia, but rather, the darkest agenda ever conceived by humanity. Moreover, with a lifetime study of National Socialism and Communism, I do not declare this lightly. And indeed, neither does Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav.lxiii

Yours with the gravest sincerity

Vince Barwinski

1 I source The Epoch Times extensively in this letter, even though the Global Institutionalised Fake Media (GIFN) maintain they are far-right. However, this is an outright lie, as proven by the All Sides Media Bias Rating at They deem The Epoch Times bias rating as “Lean Right, though perhaps close to Center.” See also the explanation on All Sides Media unique Blind Bias Rating Method – kind of like “Lady Justice should be blind” at

3 Purveyors of disease will always sell the cure! See also the photo I took at the December 18th Freedom Rally at in regard to the “War on COVID.” Moreover, in the crumbling Weimar Germany of the early 1930s, Hitler’s National Socialists proclaimed they were the party to restore “order” even as they purveyed chaos. Yes indeed, they did restore order, but at what cost?

4 The Executive Chair of the WEF; Klaus Schwab since its inception in 1971 as the European Management Forum, which was renamed the WEF in 1987, was born on March 30th 1938 in Ravensburg Germany near the Swiss border. His father Eugen was managing director of the Swiss company Escher-Wyss, which used slave labour and Allied prisoners of war, as well as producing key technologies for the production of atomic bombs for Adolf Hitler. See and and The Wikipedia article at states that Klaus’ birth mother was Erika Epprecht, but this is a lie. His biological mother was the Jewess Emma Kilian who abandoned Klaus on December 9th 1938 fleeing to New York about one month following Reichskristallnacht – National Night of Broken Glass when Jewish businesses and establishments were vandalised all over Germany. The genealogical data for Emma Kilan proving her as the biological mother of Klaus Schwab is at See also In short, it seems the Australian Greens are beholden to a child of National Socialism, who with religious like zeal, has dedicated his life to the inexorable encroachment of Big Government into every aspect of our lives. Thus embodied in his philosophy of Stakeholder Capitalism embracing in truth the aforementioned Orwellian dystopian trinity of Marxism, Fascism and Crony Capitalism. See AND In the latter, it can be seen that he dedicates his book STAKEHOLDER CAPITALISM to his parents Eugen Wilhelm Schwab and Erika Epprecht [to reiterate, in reality Erika is his step-mother, not his biological mother] who both taught him first-hand the value of education, collaboration, and the stakeholder principle. However, I think it is safe to say that at present, the brave Dutch farmers do NOT share his and what seems to me, the Australian Green’s enthusiasm for his STAKEHOLDER CAPITALISM.

iii Ibid.

xv See for comparing the safety of COVID-19 vaccines with early treatments such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. To put it mildly, this is damning in regard to claims stating that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe while decades proven safe medications like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are supposedly dangerous.

xvi and search for text “Dr. Merrick then drily clarified what the NIH protocol was:”.

xix See OR on how the WHO covered for the CCP in regard to the outbreak of the CCP-Fauci-Daszak-GOF virus.

xx The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.

xlii See also and search for text “sold in 2017 and 2018”.

xlv In regard to the rampant electoral fraud in the U.S. 2020 November election, see the complete Chapter 29 excerpt of my book at Also, the incontrovertible proof in Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary 2000 Mules released in early May 2022 at,, or

xlvi See the graph on page 38 of Patrick Moore’s great book “Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom, ISBN-13: 979-8-5685-9550-2

liv The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration by Paul Kengor, published by Tan Books, 2020, ISBN 1505120055, 9781505120059. See also the YouTube interview of Paul Kengor by Joshua Philipp at or The Epoch Times Youmaker platform at from 1 minute and 37 seconds. As well, from the Marxist mouthpiece itself at All accessed on Sunday February 14, 2021.

Photo taken by me at the Musgrave Park Freedom Rally South Brisbane Saturday 18th December 2021.
Dr. Robert Malone’s “first rule of holes: ‘WHEN IN ONE, STOP DIGGING!!’” From 27 minutes
The Epoch Times interview of Dr. Pierre Kory dated July 26th 2022.
The Epoch Times interview of Dr. Pierre Kory dated July 26th 2022.
Dr. Robert Malone’s dry sense of humour is again most poignant.
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