“Toning it down” in the wake of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on Saturday July 13th 2024. REALLY???
My message to Vision Christian Radio Brisbane on Saturday 20th July 2024 in regard to the Attempted Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump on Saturday 13th July 2024.
See how I conceived this image on my MAGA IN MOTION QUORA POST AT:
[This three minute video is key to this message: https://rumble.com/vempl3-freedom-road-socialist-organization-exposed.html]
Before I discuss the issue on my mind, I wish to thank you both for the interview with Neil on June 11th. I greatly appreciated the opportunity to publicly convey the message of my book.
During the interview, I only had the chance to most fleetingly mention the fact that the 2020 American Summer riots in the wake of George Floyd’s death, were NOT organic. Last Thursday 18th, Neil interviewed Perry Atkinson, a former Chairman of the Oregon Republican Party and Head of the Christian Media Ministry DOVE, to discuss the aftermath of the Trump assassination attempt. For me, the Trump assassination attempt and the belatedly written Chapter 29 of my book, are inextricably linked.
Mention is made, especially from the corrupt and hypocritical global mainstream media, in the wake of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, to “tone it down.” As did Perry Atkinson. However, given the litany of global dystopia over the last four-and-a-half years, of which the Biden-Harris “administration” has been intimately associated with, such as COVID jab mandates, an open southern border facilitating among other things, child trafficking, as indeed discussed recently in Senator Ron Johnson’s Oversight Roundtable on Exploitation of Unaccompanied Migrant Children on July 9th 2024, rampant inflation, the genital mutilation of children, obsequious servitude of nefarious UN agendas including the WHO IHRs and pLandemic Treaty, just to scratch the surface even before one raises the litany of damning unanswered questions related to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, such as the alleged shooter making it onto the roof as sighted by countless witnesses, I am not so amenable to “toning it down.”
As 2020 rolled on, amidst the American Summer riots and COVID pLandemic, the latter greatly facilitated by a mass-murdering Chinese Communist Party, as indicated by its Uyghur genocide and its practising of forced human-organ harvesting mainly on Falun Gong practitioners, as discussed in Chapter 4 of my book, of which the so-called Pope Francis turned a blind eye to as embodied in his grubby secret Vatican-CCP deal [page 3 as discussed in Chapter 4 of my book], I gradually came to foment an inexorable contempt for our corrupt global mainstream media.
Of which, a huge turning point for me was the following three minute video at:
To quote from pages 8, 9 and 10 of the belatedly written Chapter 29 of my book (free from my website):
Antifa’s [Radical-left Anarchist group with its origins in a crumbling Weimar Germany] extreme world view has been briefly practised in so-called “autonomous” zones such as the Capitol Hill Organised Protest (CHOP) zone in Seattle. In its first days of early to mid June 2020, much of mainstream media had idealised it,i while at the same time, the Democrat Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan on the 11th, in a CNN interview, even dubbed it euphemistically as the “summer of love.”ii In a matter of days following several serious and violent crimes, including an attempted arson, multiple assaults captured on video, and the fatal shooting of a 19-year-old, it was obvious her remark didn’t age well.iii
In Portland Oregon, before, during and after Durkan’s “summer of love,” Antifa rioted for 120 consecutive days, with the tacit approval of the Democrat mayor, Ted Wheeler.iv In Minneapolis, in the wake of George Floyd’s death, burning, looting and pillaging was perpetrated by the radical left Freedom Road Socialist Organisation (FRSO), as joyously proclaimed by its leading members and partners Steff Yorek and Jess Sundin.v Moreover, the FRSO website leaves no doubt as to their Marxist agenda, as they view the Tiananmen Square massacre in June 1989 as the defeat of counter-revolution in China!vi Nevertheless, many such radicals in the summer of 2020 were bailed out of gaol by Biden-Harris staff.vii In March 2021, FRSO launched its Spring Fund raising drive of $100,000-plus required for its “great leap forward” with the following violent pitch:
“Over the past year, Freedom Road Socialist Organization has undergone a period of dramatic growth, and we have emerged as one of the largest revolutionary organizations in the United States…
… To continue this pace of development we need your help. We are going to establish a national office and we are going to have some full-time staff who are devoted to building FRSO. We will increase our capacity to build a revolutionary movement that is capable of engaging the class enemy and waging a serious fight for working class political power: socialism.
To do this takes money and everyone can play a role in this. Urge your comrades and friends to give all that they can to the FRSO Spring Fundraising drive. Congress and the president just approved stimulus checks for most of us. Please consider contributing your stimulus check to FRSO…
… Some people say real change is impossible. Burning police stations and millions of people in the streets this past year suggest otherwise. We want to abolish capitalism and replace it with socialism. This is not some dream; it can be a reality if we work – and fight – for it.
To do that we need to expand the fighting capacity of FRSO. Your the contributions, the bigger the better, will help us do exactly that. Go to donate at https://frso.org/.
Great [burning] things are ahead!
The future is [burning] bright!
Contribute to the FRSO Spring Fundraising campaign!”viii
Hence, one could sum up Antifa, Freedom Road and the CHOP, with one of the final lines of the 1848 Communist Manifesto:
“The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.”ix
Such are adults, indoctrinated as kids to hate their country in order to comply with a distorted “WOKE” version of American history, embodied by the toxic 1619 Project, subservient to the ideological Marxist agenda.x But they are not just rioting on the streets. They also dominate the global MSM, as implied by retired police Sergeant Betsy Smith, a 29-year veteran of a large metropolitan police department in Chicago, who now represents the National Police Association in the US. She talks of how the media are currently spending a great deal of time talking about the U.S. Capitol breach but not enough on violent riots perpetrated by Antifa and others.xi
“Right now, their current obsession is, you know, white supremacy, white supremacists, and the Capitol riot. They don’t want to talk about the other 99 percent of violent riots that American law enforcement has been dealing with for the past year.”xii
Nevertheless, in the first presidential debate in late September 2020, Biden made the assertion that the decentralisedxiii Antifa entity was “only an idea.”xiv But within hours of his “inauguration,” these “only an idea” leftist extremist anarchists were out of control, in spite of Biden and Harris staff repeatedly bailing them out in the summer.xv This of course is what happens when you think you can control pure unbridled malevolence. Indeed, it makes one think of mid-1934 in the Third Reich, when Hitler ordered the “Nacht der Langen Messer,” (Night of the Long Knives) to eliminate Ernst Röhm’s Brown Shirt thugs or Storm Troopers, which had become uncontrollable and a threat to his hold on power, in spite of being a crucial element in his rise to power in late January 1933.xvi As the Biden regime is presently ignoring acts of terrorism by Antifa and Freedom Road, Hitler likewise, for seventeen months, ignored the violence perpetrated by Ernst Röhm’s Brown Shirts, until President Hindenburg threatened to impose martial law if Hitler didn’t reign them in. After Hitler invoked and completed the forty-eight hour bloody purge in late June 1934,xvii Hindenburg praised Hitler for “nipping treason in the bud.”xviii About one month later, on August 2, the ailing president died,xix along with any semblance of government accountability.
On the other hand, feigned incognisance of far-left accountability by global MSM reporters, literally amidst the burning and devastation of the 2020 summer riots, claiming that such “protesters” were mostly peaceful, is breathtaking.xx As is their synonymous and inexorable hypocrisy.xxi
Moreover, one of the founding members of Black Lives Matter; Patrisse Cullors stated:
“We are trained Marxists super versed on, sort of, ideological theories.”xxii
To which, when I remember that clown Tim Lester of Channel 7 claiming that the violence in the American 2020 Summer riots was perpetrated by White Supremacists to discredit the Marxist entity Black Lives Matter, further adds to my lack of amenity to the fraudulently elected and incognisant “President Joe There Is No Antifa Biden” and corrupt global mainstream media when they proclaim; “tone it down”.
Rest assured guys, I am merely scratching the surface here. Perry Atkinson asserted that regardless of whoever wins the 2024 General Election, the winner will have to confront and tackle the chronic disunity afflicting the country.
However, as I have already alluded to, this disunity has been fanned by the Cultural neo-Marxists, embodied in the classical Hegelian dialectic. In the wake of the Trump assassination attempt, you did not see Trump supporters rioting in the streets like Antifa did in Portland Oregon for 120 days straight in the American summer of 2020. [See last paragraph on page 8]
Hence, if the “Democrats” win the November 2024 Election, it is not the “mobocracy” of the American Democracy that will die, as the Cultural neo-Marxists of the “Democrat” Party and their supporters assert, but rather the death of the American Constitutional Republic founded by the American Founding Fathers on Thursday the 4th of July 1776. When Elizabeth Willing Powel posed the question:
“Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”xxiii
Benjamin Franklin answered:
“A republic, if you can keep it.”
To which in reiterating, it will NOT survive a “Democrat” victory in November 2024. And if America falls, may God help what is left of the rest of the free world!
For now guys, all the best and God Bless
Vince Barwinski
i https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLsaZwC3P-k. However, see how the independent journalist Andy Ngo describes it from 29 minutes in at https://www.youmaker.com/video/73a30d31-b9ce-4982-5dcc-d3c40a4341ca. All accessed on Sunday February 14, 2021.
ii https://www.q13fox.com/news/chop-seattle-mayor-walks-back-summer-of-love-comment. Accessed on Sunday February 14, 2021.
iii Ibid. See also https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/29/us/seattle-protests-CHOP-CHAZ-autonomous-zone.html, https://www.wsj.com/articles/goodbye-summer-of-love-11607898398 and https://www.youmaker.com/video/73a30d31-b9ce-4982-5dcc-d3c40a4341ca from 27 minutes. All accessed on Sunday February 14, 2021.
iv https://www.youmaker.com/video/73a30d31-b9ce-4982-5dcc-d3c40a4341ca from around 5 minutes. In regard to Wheeler being a Democrat, see https://www.bizjournals.com/portland/stories/2010/05/17/daily23.html. All accessed on Sunday February 14, 2021.
v https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PnWpOOoHNo or on Rumble at https://rumble.com/vempl3-freedom-road-socialist-organization-exposed.html. See also https://frso.org/?s=Yorek and https://frso.org/statements/minnesota-frso-may-day-celebration-we-are-up-against-a-real-monster-a-system-called-capitalism/. All accessed on Sunday March 14, 2021.
vi https://frso.org/main-documents/looking-back-at-tiananmen-square-the-defeat-of-counter-revolution-in-china/. Accessed on Sunday March 14, 2021.
vii See for example https://www.reuters.com/article/us-minneapolis-police-biden-bail-idUSKBN2360SZ. Accessed on Sunday February 14, 2021.
viii https://frso.org/statements/frso-spring-fundraising-drive-100000-plus-needed-for-great-leap-forward/ accessed on Saturday May 15, 2021.
ix The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration by Paul Kengor, published by Tan Books, 2020, ISBN 1505120055, 9781505120059. See also the YouTube interview of Paul Kengor by Joshua Philipp at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8T11VSHg1U or The Epoch Times Youmaker platform at https://www.youmaker.com/video/90620a5c-ee6f-4e2a-bbb3-9de912ebb7b7 from 1 minute and 37 seconds. As well, from the Marxist mouthpiece itself at https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ch04.htm. All accessed on Sunday February 14, 2021.
x See https://www.wnd.com/2020/02/1619-vs-1776-battle-truth/. In this article, it is stated; “Many historians have spoken out against the 1619 Project. And now several of the nation’s pre-eminent black scholars, pastors and activists are pushing back too, and speaking up for America through what they are calling ‘1776.’” See also the book Debunking Howard Zinn Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America by Mary Grabar on Google Books at https://www.google.com/books/edition/Debunking_Howard_Zinn/VniHDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0.
xi https://www.theepochtimes.com/medias-obsession-with-jan-6-extremely-frustrating-to-law-enforcement-retired-sergeant_3688471.html Accessed on Sunday February 14, 2021.
xii Ibid.
xiii https://www.youmaker.com/video/73a30d31-b9ce-4982-5dcc-d3c40a4341ca from around 20 minutes. Interview by The Epoch Times senior editor Jan Jekielek of Andy Ngo: Infiltrating CHAZ; Antifa’s Plot to Destroy America; New Book “Unmasked” | American Thought Leaders. Accessed on Sunday February 14, 2021.
xv See for example https://www.reuters.com/article/us-minneapolis-police-biden-bail-idUSKBN2360SZ. Accessed on Sunday February 14, 2021.
xvi See the Preface “Birth and Memory upon the Lesser Known Fault Line of History” of my book THE PASTOR AND THE MATRIARCH OF THE GERMAN UNDERGROUND AND THEIR TIMES — A Polish Perspective at https://vincebarwinski.com/library/. NOTE: In Marxism and Hitler’s National Socialism, SCAPEGOATS are imperative to facilitate their hold on power. The racial profile of the respective scapegoating mechanisms may differ, but their imperative need to facilitate their hold on power, is identical.
xvii The exact dates of the beginning and end of the purge are given at https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/roehm-purge on the website United States Holocaust Museum Memorial Encyclopaedia. Accessed on Saturday February 20, 2021.
xviii Page 470 of the book Hitler by Joachim C. Fest, published by Harcourt Incorporated, 2002, ISBN 0156027542, 9780156027540. See also the Preface “Birth and Memory upon the Lesser Known Fault Line of History” of my book THE PASTOR AND THE MATRIARCH OF THE GERMAN UNDERGROUND AND THEIR TIMES — A Polish Perspective at https://vincebarwinski.com/library/.
xix See the Preface “Birth and Memory upon the Lesser Known Fault Line of History” of my book THE PASTOR AND THE MATRIARCH OF THE GERMAN UNDERGROUND AND THEIR TIMES — A Polish Perspective at https://vincebarwinski.com/library/.
xx For example, https://twitter.com/i/status/1298833929160593409 and from 1 minute and 50 seconds in at https://www.youmaker.com/video/1a0eb407-8a4b-44d6-bdeb-3998e83c72dd. See also the article at https://unherd.com/2020/07/the-ugly-truth-about-the-blm-protests/. All accessed on Thursday February 25, 2021.
xxi See https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210310-russia-disrupting-twitter-over-illegal-content, https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-attacks-twitter-for-donald-trump-ban-after-platform-raises-censorship-concerns/ar-BB1eu4FY and https://www.rt.com/russia/517688-twitter-slowed-down-block/.
xxii https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7C6tNjiRKY from 35 seconds in. Also on the Internet Archive at https://archive.org/details/youtube-p7C6tNjiRKY. Accessed on Sunday March 14, 2021.