The recent Biblically bastardized Cultural neo-Marxist WOKE sermon by the DC WOKE Female Bishop to undermine the legitimately elected Presidency of Donald J. Trump and promote the Globalist agenda of unelected bureaucrats of the World Economic Forum and its strategic partner the United Nations.

To: Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde

Have Mercy”: Watch Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde’s WOKIE-WOKE Sermon Challenging Trump at Inaugural Service


Saturday January 25, 2025

Subject: Your recent Biblically bastardized Cultural neo-Marxist WOKE sermon to undermine the legitimately elected Presidency of Donald J. Trump and promote the Globalist agenda of unelected bureaucrats of the World Economic Forum and its strategic partner the United Nations.

Dear Bishop

[11 minute read]

How are you? My name is Vince Barwinski, and I’m the author of the 2021-22 book The Pastor and the Matriarch of the German Underground and Their Times – A Polish Perspective and a Traditional Latin Mass Catholic of Polish descent, who loves Israel and is based in Brisbane Australia.

Recently I heard your sermon on Tuesday 21 January delivered at the National Cathedral in Washington DC to ostensibly honor the inauguration of the duly elected President Donald J. Trump, but in truth, was a Biblically bastardized Cultural neo-Marxist WOKE sermon to undermine the newly inaugurated Presidency of Donald J. Trump and promote the Globalist agenda of unelected bureaucrats of the World Economic Forum and its strategic partner the United Nations.

The YouTube channel of the Cultural neo-Marxist media outlet DEMOCRACY NOW! most predictably lauded and spoke most glowingly of your sermon, compelling me two to three days ago to leave a comment as user “kulturedyobbo” explaining how your sermon was blatant WOKE bastardization of scripture. Rather predictably, my comment has since been removed, and when I try to repost it, and reload the page, I now find it instantly removed. To which, given your WOKE Cultural neo-Marxist mindset, as epitomized by your sermon, and your support of the idolatrous Gaia Earth worshipping Season of Creation Cult, which I spoke out publicly against during a Novus Mundi Ordo (New World Order) Catholic service on September 22, would most certainly approve of! Thus compelling me to quote it to you now as follows in GREEN:

God, unlike this woman, and the first Globalist that was Nimrod, is NOT a Globalist.

Yes … many WOKE theologians [such as Jorge Mario Bergoglio – the so-called WOKE Cultural neo-Marxist/Globalist apostate POPE and this woman] claim God wants open borders, but they ignore biblical context and misquote Scripture, trying to make the Bible say something that makes them look [or feel] good. Moses, representing the Old Testament law and Paul, representing the New Testament, both agree that borders are ordained by God.

When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations, when He separated the sons of Adam, He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the children of Israel.’

Deuteronomy 32:8

In the ancient world, sacred texts show that countries or empires had borders and recognized citizens, non-citizens, visitors and resident aliens. Each people acknowledged the importance of obtaining permission to reside in a foreign land, and understood the rights and responsibilities of living in someone else’s nation. The Bible addresses borders at least forty-three times.

From one man He made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.’

Acts 17:26

Moreover, in regards to the crumbling American southern border facilitating child trafficking, no less poignant to note, is the July 10th 2024 press release by Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin:

On Tuesday [July 9th 2024], U.S. Sen Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, participated in a roundtable titled, ‘The Exploitation Crisis: How the U.S. Government is Failing to Protect Migrant Children from Trafficking and Abuse.’ Sen. Johnson called out the Biden administration for failing to protect migrant children at the border who have been exploited and abused due to the inhumanity of this administration’s open border.’

I indeed document all this on pages 28 to 29 of:

My objections to the October 2024 Open Letter: “Descendants: Do not distort and misuse Dietrich Bonhoeffer!

with key search terms given on the opening page.

In October 2024, 86 of exactly 100 surviving adult descendants of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, of whom I will henceforth refer to as the “Bonhoeffer 86”, wrote a letter titled Descendants: Do not distort and misuse Dietrich Bonhoeffer!, in response to the Angel Studios movie; Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin released in America on November 24, 2024.

Their motivation for doing so, being their perception of the Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin movie being a far-right-wing distortion of the legacy of the German anti-Nazi Lutheran Pastor; Dietrich Bonhoeffer, which has been endorsed by the Trump supporter and Bonhoeffer author Eric Metaxas who wrote in 2010, his book on Dietrich Bonhoeffer titled Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy A righteous Gentile vs, the Third Reich, which sold more than a million copies in 20 languages.

Hence, given the fact, that Eric Metaxas’ book was a major source for my own book on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, titled The Pastor and the Matriarch of the German Underground and Their Times – A Polish Perspective, published in January 2022, I was naturally compelled to write a huge rebuttal piece to three of the Bonhoeffer 86.

The first of whom being; Tobias Bonhoeffer, the director at the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology in Martinsried Germany, who since July 2014, has been a member of the Board of Governors of the Wellcome Trust! According to its Annual Report and Financial Statements 2020, it describes itself as such:

The Wellcome Trust (Wellcome) is an independent, global, charitable foundation created in 1936 by the will of Sir Henry Wellcome. It is now a registered charity, governed by its Constitution, established in February 2001 by a scheme of the Charity Commission and subsequently amended.”

This may sound innocuous enough, except when one scans their their 2020 Annual Report, you find it is intimately linked to nefarious Globalist entities. Namely, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum, who were both in 2020, in co-operation with the governments of Germany, Japan, India and Norway, instrumental in founding CEPI – the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. I deal with the nefarious Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and the latter’s strategic partner the United Nations, in my August 2023 submission against the Marxist Australian Federal Government’s Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023 and in my letter to the Bonhoeffer 86.

The other two signatories I have written to, are the initiators of the Bonhoeffer 86 open-letter, of whom, their email addresses are given at the bottom of every page. They are as follows:

1) Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser, political advisor, entrepreneur, and theorist in the fields of energy, transport, sustainability, climate, and regional development. The word “climate” of course referring to the fake climate crisis [My personal cellphone ringtone!] that embodies the Globalist-engineered Catastrophic Climate Change Scam (CCCS).

Indicative of which being, when I looked for keynote “speakers” on “climate” on the Speaker Associate website, I found Ruggero at the bottom-right of the page, listed with illustrious figures in the middle of it such as the former New Zealand Prime Minister and Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum Jacinda Adern [now only available on the WayBack machine, like so many other pieces of evidence], of whom I remember in 2022, being the one in implementing the tax on the farts and burps of cows and livestock in general!! Compelling me to write, in my Globalist-agenda debunking piece of Aussie impudence to Ruggero on page 11:

Fair Dinkum!! Only selbst-wichtige Idiot [self-important idiot] politicians and ‘intellectuals’ could conceive of such conceptual verbal diarrhea!”

And …

Moreover, does not Jacinta’s tax on flatulent cows, give new meaning to your fake crisis of Catastrophic Climate Change (CCC) Cash Cow?”

2) Tobias Korenke, who has studied history, politics, philosophy and public law in Freiburg and Oxford and completed his doctorate. Today he is the head of corporate & public affairs at the FUNKE media group and one of the scholars of the The International Bonhoeffer Society – which according to its Mission Statement, seems to embrace the Globalist agenda, given its pillars of “Fighting nationalisms”, implying elimination of national borders, and “Protecting the earth” – the latter implying its commitment to promulgating the Globalist-engineered CCCS. And in regard to the former, namely “Fighting nationalisms”, implying elimination of national borders, which to reiterate, I rightly discussed as being inherently un-Biblical in this message to you, and in my detailed and in-depth objection to the Bonhoeffer 86 open-letter on pages 28 to 29, of which I left key search terms on the opening page. Further to which, given your sermon, most poignant are:

Guatemala”, “320,000”, “212,000”, “border”, Dominion”.

In closing Bishop, given your mention of it in your sermon, I should briefly mention the LGBTIQ issue.

If someone wishes to be gay, that is their business. However, I do not require the fact to be rammed down my throat incessantly. Andy Ngo [from page 8], the brave author of Unmasked Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy, is indeed gay, but does not see the need to have the fact rammed down everyone’s throat incessantly, as he rightly sees his mission to expose the agenda of the WOKE Cultural neo-Marxists such as yourself, infinitely more compelling. Likewise Douglas Murray, of whom especially since October 7, 2023, has been admirably vocal in his defense of Israel and his condemnation of the vile anti-Semitism now running rampant in the West among both the far right and radical-left. As well indeed, has Andy Ngo.

However, the “T” in LGBTIQ espousing the so-called “trans-agenda” and the devastating consequences of its indoctrination perpetrated upon our children, denying basic biological reality and fundamental Biblical doctrine, is nothing short of Satanic.

Hence, men cannot have babies!! And women and girls cannot have penises!! And the consequences of trans-surgery, with its dangerous puberty blockers, are not reversible!

Eight-year-old children who suddenly feel they are of the wrong gender, should not be unconditionally gender-affirmed by their poor parents, as is the case in the WOKE basket cases of Gavin Newsome’s Wokifornia and Justin Trudeau’s Canada.

If an adult man or woman wishes to delude themselves into thinking they can transgender into the opposite sex, then fine. However, I am not compelled in any way shape or form, in the face of fundamental biological reality and Biblical doctrine, to acknowledge it as truth.

I will however, acknowledge it as another Cultural neo-Marixist WOKE dialectic to undermine fundamental pillars of our Western Civilization, including Christianity itself. While class was a potent dialectic in a crumbling Tsarist Russia of 1917 and Mao Zedong’s China of 1949, it never has really been so in America and my Australia, to which the dialectics of race, as was indeed the case for the Jews scapegoated in Hitler’s National Socialist Third Reich,1 and more chillingly today in the West; gender, have proven infinitely more potent. Indeed, dare one look no further than one of the final lines of the 1848 Communist Manifesto:

The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.2

to segue into my closing two questions to you:

1) “Do you, in the spirit of Vladimir Lenin’s concept of the majority ‘Useful Idiots’, flying in the face of plain common sense and reality, truly believe in the philosophy of Cultural neo-Marxist WOKEISM, rooted in the philosophy of the ultimate deadbeat3 that was the Satanist4 and self-loathing Jew Karl Marx, magically manifesting itself as a wondrous utopia of man?”

. OR

2) Are you in the minority of the truly malevolent 5%, in the true spirit of the 1848 Communist Manifesto, striving for;

the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions,’ to ultimately obliterate Christianity and manifest Satan’s agenda of Hell on Earth?

I would be truly fascinated to read your thoughts!

May God save your soul!

Yours Sincerely

Vince Barwinski

1 Back in March 2024, I read Hitler’s Mein Kampf, and yes indeed, a disturbing and turgid but necessary read it certainly was. Necessary, in the sense of the years of research I have devoted to Hitler and his National Socialist Third Reich, to which upon completion of my reading, I pondered the following question:

Who of today is just as obsessed with race as Adolf Hitler was?”

The answer to which, almost instantaneously lit up in my mind as:

The modern-day Western WOKE Cultural neo-Marxists!”

2 The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration by Paul Kengor, published by Tan Books, 2020, ISBN 1505120055, 9781505120059. See also the YouTube interview of Paul Kengor by Joshua Philipp at from 1 minute and 37 seconds. As well, from the Marxist mouthpiece itself at

3 See also page 4 of and search for “160 pounds”. And about the children of Karl Marx, see

4 Karl Marx from the poem The Fiddler. AND See also footnote #2. Hence, how disturbing is it, that half of humanity in the past and present, has treated this disturbed freeloader, who was not an atheist, but rather a Satanist, like some kind of God?!


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